To Justify or Destroy Marketing Rules
Techtel has developed unique tools and models to understand and improve marketing and sales processes, most often by thinking as customers think, then building dynamic models of how vendor <> customer influence is formed to build long term, mutually profitable, relationships.
Accelerating Market Influence
How Sellers See the Market: The Pipeline or Funnel
How Buyers See the Market: The IT Solution Cycle
The Market Influence Model, combining Buyer and Seller viewpoints
Accelerate Growth of Your Influence in the market
Marketing and Communications Effectiveness
At a Glance: how people sort and toss out seller's messages
Getting by At-A-Glance with tricks
Getting by At-A-Glance without tricks
Measuring Effectiveness of Everything Through Contribution
Project Tools: Techtel's tools for deep understanding of clients situation includes
Doing our homework: learning about your company and what you, personally, are trying to accomplish. Our contribution is to make the company thrive and you a hero. We ask questions beyond the project to make sure it will fit the situation and work, not just give you a report
Systems (aka process) thinking. Start with what is to be accomplished and work backwards to what has to be done (an engineering approach)